A twin pregnancy... how Happy Little People started...

We wanted to share with you WHY we stared Happy Little People back in 2018 and hopefully in taking the time to read our story you will be inspired respond and tell us a bit more about your parenting journey. We would LOVE to hear from you!

So as you may know, Kat and I have been besties for more than 20 years, we have travelled together, went  to Uni together and were "best ladies" at each other's weddings and we're also Bachelor qualified teachers.

So when Kat became pregnant with her twins, (her first children) I was quite surprised when the poor woman turned to me in her freaked out state and said "I've spent so many years teaching other people’s children, how am I going to support my own children’s learning during their vital early years and set them up for success—especially with two of them at the same time?!

I need something simple and brainless— research-backed ideas I can trust, that (even in my sleep deprived, baby brain state) I can pick up and use at the drop of a hat without any effort or thinking, and certainly no special equipment or expensive toys. Help me woman!

At that stage, I had two girls aged 2 and 4 and while I was playing with them and trying to be as educating as possible but in the back of my mind I too was thinking, crap, am I even doing the right stuff with them? Are the activities I'm setting up appropriate? Are they learning what they are supposed to be? Are they going to be school ready?? Eeeekkkkk! 

So, as the total nerds and creative go-getters that we are, we decided to embark on a learning journey that kind of accidentally evolved into Happy Little People. After doing all the research, and testing our ideas on LOTS of real humans, we created a series of milestone-aligned activity cards for babies aged 0 to 24 months, to get us through! 

First and foremost we created these activity cards for ourselves, but then we realised that other parents were feeling the same way—uncertain, uninspired, overwhelmed and lacking in confidence—even though they were often confident and uber successful in other life domains.

We wanted to address this lurking fear that can emerge when you have just the right amount of knowledge to know how important a child’s early learning experiences are, but not enough knowledge to know what to actually do to address this need.

And so this is the gap we are here to address, and it’s our mission to help YOU navigate it…

Our activities are proven to help and they are all aligned to your baby's exact age. ( Trust us- we know - we used them on our kids and now over 6000 other parents world wide have too.) 

We will empower you and give you the confidence that you have everything you need to support your little one's development & satisfy their needs beyond the basics of just keeping them fed, loved, clothed & alive!

Plus, as part of our community, you’ll never be alone. You are invited to connect with us and others just like you.

We promise that if you play with your little one using our activities on a regular basis your child will meet their key milestones on time, they will be learning on a deep level and will become more cooperative and connected to you... and you will feel more energised to boot!

Questions?? Feel free to email us. We will ALWAYS reply! 


Big Love, Bianca and Kat 

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